last updated 11.11.24
PhD in English (Rhetoric and Composition; Technical Communication)
Certificate in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Fall 2015 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL Dissertation: Memes and 4chan and Haters, Oh My! Rhetoric, Identity, and Online Aggression Committee: Jessica Reyman (chair); Michael Day; Kristen Myers |
MA in English
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO |
BA in English
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL |
Academic Appointments
2022 - Present
Illinois State University, Associate Professor of Digital Rhetorics and Technical Communication
2017 - 2022
Illinois State University, Assistant Professor of Digital Rhetorics and Technical Communication
Administrative Roles
August 2023 - Present
Associate Chair
Department of English, Illinois State University |
August 2022 - May 2023
Interim Associate Chair
Department of English, Illinois State University |
Single Author Monographs
Sparby, Derek M. Memetic rhetorics: Building a rhetorical toolkit for ethical meming. University of Michigan Press, Sweetland DRC Series
Edited Collections
In Progress
Sparby, Derek M. (In Progress). Memes and Rhetorical Identity. Chapters accepted, proposal under development.
Reyman, Jessica & Sparby, Derek M. (Eds.). Digital ethics: Rhetoric and responsibility in online aggression. Routledge.
Winner of the 2019 Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award |
Special Issues
In Progress
Tekobbe, Cindy & Sparby, Derek M. Rhetoric Review Symposium Issue on Bisexual Digital Rhetorics. Contributions accepted.
Peer Reviewed Articles
Sparby, Derek M. A memetic pandemic: COVID-19 memes as tactical risk communication. Technical Communication Quarterly
Sparby, Derek M. Meming the party divide: Representation of gender in political memes. enculturation.
Cox, Courtney & Sparby, Derek M. Investigating disembodied risk in university crisis communications during COVID-19. Communication Design Quarterly. |
Bishop, Tiffany, Capan, Emily, Larsen, Brittany, Preston, Raven, & Sparby, Derek M. Tactical risk communication: Observations from teaching and learning about risk communication during COVID-19. Technical Communication Quarterly.
Sparby, Derek M. Reading mean comments to subvert gendered hate on YouTube: Toward a spectrum of digital aggression response. Enculturation. |
Sparby, Derek M. Digital social media and aggression: Memetic Rhetoric in 4chan’s Collective Identity. Computers and Composition, 45, pp. 85-97.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
Sparby, Derek M. Feminist ethics. In Ross, Derek (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Ethics in Technical and Professional Communication. Copyedits submitted October 2024
Sparby, Derek M. Toward a feminist ethic of self-care and protection when researching digital aggression. In Crystal VanKooten & Victor del Hierro (Eds.) Methods and Methodologies for Research in Digital Writing and Rhetoric. WAC Clearinghouse.
Cox, Courtney & Sparby, Derek M. Toward an audience-centered approach: Rhetorical analysis of university crisis communication emails. In Samuel Stinson & Mary Le Rouge (Eds.) Embodied Environmental Risk in Technical Communication: Problems and Solutions Toward Social Sustainability. Routledge. |
Reyman, Jessica & Sparby, Derek M. Introduction: Toward an ethic of responsibility in digital aggression. In Jessica Reyman & Derek M. Sparby (Eds.) Digital ethics: Rhetoric and responsibility in online aggression (pp. 1-15). New York: Routledge
Lukowski, Alison & Sparby, Derek M. (2016). Breastfeeding, authority, and genre: Women’s ethos in Wikipedia and blogs. In Establishing and Evaluating Digital Ethos and Online Credibility, pp. 329-347.
Editorial Work
Oct 2021 – Jan 2024
Book Review Editor for Communication Design Quarterly
Associate Editor for Best of rhetoric and composition 2018. Parlor Press.
Awards and Grants
Nominated for 2021 CCCC Best in Technical and Scientific Communication Awards for “Tactical Risk Communication: Observations from Teaching and Learning about Risk Communication during COVID-19,” published in Technical Communication Quarterly (2021, with Tiffany Bishop, Emily Capan, Brittany Larsen, and Raven Preston)
2019 Distinguished Book Award, Computers and Composition
2017 Hugh Burns Best Dissertation Award, Computers and Composition
Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award, Conference on College Composition and Communication
Ellen T. Blaney Humanities Prize, ISU
Nominated by the DFSC and CAS for the Outstanding University Teaching Award, ISU (portfolio under consideration) Faculty Research Award, ISU, to fund Memes and Rhetorical Identity |
Alice and Fannie Fell Trust (with Ela Przybylo), ISU, to fund “Zine-making Toward Social Change: Activism, Rhetoric, and Minoritarian Cultures"
Sage Fund (with Ela Przybylo), ISU, to fund “Zine-Making Toward Social Change: Activism, Rhetoric, and Publishing Minoritarian Cultures” Nominated for ISU Research Initiative Award, ISU |
Alice and Fannie Fell Trust (with Ela Przybylo), ISU, to fund “Podcasting Toward Social Change: Sound-Based Pedagogy and Scholarship”
Sage Fund (with Ela Przybylo), ISU, to fund “Podcasting Toward Social Change: Sound-Based Pedagogy and Scholarship” Teaching Innovation Grant (with Ela Przybylo), CTLT/ISU, to fund “Developing Anti-Racist Pedagogies at ISU” Nominated for the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching by a Pre-Tenured Faculty Member, ISU |
Sigma Tau Delta Outstanding Faculty Member Award, ISU
Exceptional Teacher of the Year Award—Assistant Professor, ISU English department Pre-Tenure Faculty Initiative Grant, ISU 2017-2018 Outstanding Dissertation Award in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, NIU Nominated for the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching by a Pre-Tenured Faculty Member, ISU |
New Faculty Initiative Grant, ISU
Nominated for the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching by a Pre-Tenured Faculty Member, ISU |
New Faculty Startup Support, ISU
Outstanding Women Student Award, NIU’s Presidential Commission on the Status of Women |
Dr. Mary Sue Schriber Junior Scholar in Women’s Literature and Language Scholarship, NIU
Director's Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award for Excellence in Teaching First-Year Composition, NIU |
Arnold B. Fox Graduate Research Writing Award (second place), NIU
2014, 2015, 2016
Graduate Student Travel Grant, NIU
National and International Conferences
Sparby, Derek M. Critical Queer Feminist Autoethnography: A Methodology for Studying Memes. Paper Presented at Computers and Writing. Fort Worth, TX.
Sparby, Derek M. Compassionate DIY – Mercury Stardust as a Model of Trans Technical Communication. Paper Presented at the Association for the Teachers of Technical Writing Conference. Online. |
Przybyło, Ela & Sparby, Derek M. Identifying an Ace Gaze through Memetic Screens on TikTok. Paper presented at Computers and Writing. Online.
Sparby, Derek M. Toward University Policies to Protect Teachers and Researchers from Digital Aggression. Paper presented at Computers and Writing. Online. Policy and Protection: On the Urgency of Developing Digital Aggression Policies at Our Home Institutions. Paper presented at the Association for Teachers of Technical Writing Conference. Online. |
Przybyło, Ela & Sparby, Derek M. Ace gaze: Asexuality on TikTok. Paper presented during the sponsored panel Reclaiming Asexualities from Within and Without at the National Women’s Studies Association 42nd Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Sparby, Derek M. Tactical Meming. Workshop given at the Association for Teachers of Technical Writing Conference. Online. Butler, Janine; Craig, Todd; Del Hierro, Victor; Lauren, Ben; Sparby, Derek M.; & VanKooten, Crystal. Methods and Methodologies for Research in Digital Rhetoric: What We’ve Learned through Sharing How and Why We Do Digital Research – Part 2. Roundtable at Computers and Writing. Greenville, NC and online. |
Sparby, Derek M. Memetic Critical Power Tools: Teaching an Ethic of Privacy and Identity for Memes in the Technical Communication Classroom. Paper presented at the Association for Teachers of Technical Writing Conference. Online. (Rescheduled from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
Sparby, Derek M. Ethically Engaging with Digital Activism and Digital Media. Roundtable accepted to Computers and Writing, Greenville, NC. (Conference was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
Sparby, Derek M. YouTube, Haters, and Reading Mean Comments: Testing a Rhetorical-Ethical Approach to Studying Online Aggression. Paper accepted to Conference on College Composition and Communication, Milwaukee, WI. (Conference was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic) |
Sparby, Derek M. Toward a Theory of Digital Aggression and Memetic Screens. Paper presented at Computers and Writing, June 2019, East Lansing, MI.
Sparby, Derek M. Toward an Ethic of Self-Care and Protection When Researching Digital Aggression. Paper presented as part of a co-organized panel on “New Ethical Frameworks for Researching Digital Aggression” at Computers and Writing, June 2019, East Lansing, MI. Sparby, Derek M. Political Memes and the Party Divide: A Case Study of Kim Davis and Hillary Clinton Memes. Paper presented at the Digital Rhetoric/Digital Media in the Post-Truth Age symposium, March 2019, Tuscaloosa, AL. |
Sparby, Derek M. Toward a Theory of Memetic Screens. Paper accepted to the Rhetoric Society of America Conference, June 2018, Minneapolis, MN. (Accepted but was unable to attend because of family emergency)
Blackmon, Sam; Blair, Kris; DeLuca, Katherine; Sparby, Derek M.; Sullivan, Rachael; & Weaver, Stephanie. Behind the Scenes of Digital Aggression Research: Identity, Method, Action, and Self-Care. Roundtable at Computers and Writing, May 2018, Fairfax, VA. Sparby, Derek M. When Trolls Become Technical Communicators: A Case Study of iOS8 and Wave. Paper presented at the Association for the Teachers of Technical Writing Conference, March 2018, Kansas City, KS. Blackmon, Sam; Blair, Kris; DeLuca, Katherine; Sparby, Derek M.; Sullivan, Rachael; & Weaver, Stephanie. Ethics, identity/ies, and hidden labor in digital rhetorical studies. Organized roundtable accepted to the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kansas City, MO. (Declined participation and cancelled the roundtable as part of the boycott of the decision to remain in Missouri after the NAACP issued a travel warning) |
Sparby, Derek M. Meming/Counter-Meming: Remixing Negative Memes to Deconstruct Stereotypes. Paper presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 2017. Portland, OR.
Sparby, Derek M. Fake Geek Girl, Remixed: Resisting Negative Stereotypes through Counter-Memes. Paper presented at Cultural Rhetorics, October 2016. East Lansing, MI.
Sparby, Derek M. Anonymity, Design, and Identification: The Rhetorical Construction of Identity on Digital Social Media. Paper presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, April 2016. Houston, TX. |
Day, Michael; Lukowski, Alison; Marquis, Dustin; & Sparby, Derek M. Digitizing Analog Networks to Share and Reflect on Student Writing. Paper presented at Computers and Writing, May 2015. Menomonie, WI.
Lukowksi, Alison & Sparby, Derek M. Where Do Women Work? Wikipedia, Blogs, and the Space of Authority. Paper presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication Feminisms Workshop, April 2014. Indianapolis, IN.
Invited Speaker
Digital aggression: Research, experience, and policy. Invited participant for Leveled: Gendered online aggression and the move toward equality in the digital workplace, hosted by the University of Michigan IRWG program.
Ethical meming—How can we meme inclusively? Invited keynote presentation at 2019 LangRhet Conference (University of Michigan). Ann Arbor, MI.
Workshops and Working Groups
Digital Aggression Working Group, Computers and Writing, June 2019. East Lansing, MI.
Indigenous Working Group, Rhetoric Society of America Project in Power, Place, and Publics, May 2019. Reno, NV. |
Local Speaking Invitations
Panelist about veganism as part of the Green Screen Film Series at the Normal Theater.
Digital rhetorics and an ethic of responsibility in online aggression. ISU English Department’s faculty speaker series.
Online Aggression and What We Can Do About It (with Jessica Reyman), NIU STEM Cafe. |
Presentation on methods and methodology used in my dissertation, for Bob Broad’s ENG 497 Research Methods in Composition Studies course at ISU.
Panelist at a roundtable about the first-year faculty experience, for ISU’s Graduate School. |
Meme/Counter-Meme: Remixing Negative Memes to Deconstruct Stereotypes, for the ISU Sigma Tau Delta initiation ceremony.
Panelist at the “Navigating the Writing Process” workshop, for ISU’s Graduate School. Panelist at the “Preparing for the Job Market” workshop, for NIU’s English department. Panelist at the “How do I get published?” workshop, for NIU’s Graduate School and Office of Research Compliance. Methods and Methodology in Rhetoric, for Courtney Gallaher's WOMS 630 Feminist Research course at NIU. |
Methods and Methodology in Rhetoric, for Courtney Gallaher's WOMS 630 Feminist Research course at NIU.
Design, Ethos, and Identification: Memetic Identity Performance on Digital Social Media, for Jessica Reyman's ENGL 703 Seminar in Digital Rhetoric at NIU. |
Eportfolio Integration, for First Friday Professional Development with NIU's First-Year Composition Program.
FYComp Writing in the Domains (with Kelsey Williams), for NIU's First-Year Composition Retention Summit. |
"Integrating ePortfolios in the FYC Classroom." For First Friday Professional Development with NIU's First-Year Composition Program.
"Using Blogs in the Classroom." For First Friday Professional Development with NIU's First-Year Composition Program. |
Professional Activities
Organizational Membership
Digital Aggression Working Group (DigitAggro) (Co-Founder)
Association for Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW)
Society of Technical Communication (STC)
Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC)
National Council of Teachers of English (NTCE)
Rhetoric Society of America (RSA)
National Women's Studies Association (NWSA)
Association for Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW)
Society of Technical Communication (STC)
Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC)
National Council of Teachers of English (NTCE)
Rhetoric Society of America (RSA)
National Women's Studies Association (NWSA)
Organized Workshops and Events
February 2022
With Ela Przybyło. Zine-making Toward Social Change: Activism, Rhetoric, and Publishing Minoritarian Cultures. Event featuring Adela C. Licona, Aleksandra Kamińska and Agata Barbara Wnuk (Girls* to the Front) and Yingchen Kwok and Ying Tong (an aromantic manifesto).
February and March 2021
With Ela Przybyło. Podcasting Toward Social Change: Sound-Based Pedagogy and Scholarship During COVID-19. Speaker series featuring Joi Adams, Ada Jaarsma, and Hannah McGregor.
December 2020
With Ela Przybyło and Raven Preston. (December 2020). Antiracist Pedagogies Workshop. This workshop featured student specialists (Nina Hanee Jang, Chamelia Moore, and Eric Korankye) who gave antiracist pedagogical feedback to teachers in the English Department.
Illinois State University
2020 - Present
Member, Queer Coalition
2020 - 2022
Co-Faculty Advisor, Rhetoric Society of America, ISU Chapter
Faculty Advisor, Rhetoric Society of America, ISU Chapter
2018 - 2022
Faculty Advisor, Nintendo Appreciation Club, ISU
2018 - 2019
Co-Faculty Advisor, Rhetoric Society of America, ISU Chapter
2017 - Present
Faculty member, Rhetoric Society of America, ISU Chapter
Northern Illinois University
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017
Member, Digital Humanities Initiative
Fall 2016 - Spring 2017
Founding Member, Rhetoric Research Forum
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Panel Moderator, Midwest Conference on Language, Literature, and Media, NIU
First-Year Composition pedagogical training
Editorial Staff for Style, Volume 46, Issues 3 and 4 (Fall/Winter 2012)
University of Colorado
Certificate in College Teaching
Certification through the Graduate Teacher Program (now Center for Teaching and Learning) of 20+ hours of pedagogy workshops, one semester of weekly pedagogy seminars, two video-taped consultations, and two recommendation letters of teaching excellence from home department |
Teaching Experience
See Courses Taught
PhD Dissertations Directed
Tiffany Bishop
“Digital Research Methodologies for Social Justice and Ethics Considerations Since COVID-19’s Onset: An Overview and Heuristic” (In Progress)
Alyssa Herman
“Collaboration Between Faculty Subject Matter Experts & Instructional Designers in Higher Ed: Working Toward a Co-Design Model” (In Progress)
Charles Woods
“Interrogating Privacy Rhetorics on Genealogy Websites” (Defended Summer 2021)
PhD Dissertation Committees
Brittany Larsen
“Saying What We Don’t Know: A Pedagogical Study on Uptake’s Usefulness in Civic Literacy Learning" (Defended Summer 2024)
Emily Capan
"The Overlooked Pandemic Pedagogical Genre: Writing Teachers’ Risk and Crisis Technical Communication Emails to Students" (Defended Winter 2023)
Teigha VanHester
“From Violent Inceptions to Unapologetic Existence: Radical Assemblage, Erotic Imagination, and Defiant Storying of QTBIPOC as Sovereign Practice and Rhetorical Framework for Afrofutures” (Defended Summer 2022)
Matthew Schering
“The Perennial Quest: Equitable Assessment with The Student-Centric Learning Contract" (Defended Summer 2022)
Courtney Cox
“Defining Compulsory Academic Genres: A Feminist Rhetorical Interrogation of Required Institutional Practices” (Defended Spring 2022)
PhD Specialization Exams Advised
Alyssa Herman
“An Examination of Advocacy in Technical Communication Scholarship” (Completed Spring 2023)
Tiffany Bishop
"Redefining Ethics to Build a More Socially Just Digital Research Methodology" (Completed Winter 2023)
Charles Woods
“The Interdependence of Bytes and Genes” (Completed Spring 2020)
PhD English Studies Exams Advised
Ulysses Bougie
"TBD" (In Progress)
Janine Blue
“Jezebel Reimagined: A Ratchet Exploration of Black Women’s Sexual Liberation in Memetic Representation” (Completed Spring 2024)
Nichol Brown
“Queer Shame vs. Queer Threat: Feminist Visual Rhetorical Analysis of Little Red Riding Hood Book Covers” (Completed Spring 2024)
Emily Capan
“COVID-19 Pandemic Risk and Crisis Technical Communication at Illinois State University: Coalition Building Between University Leaders, Instructors, and Students Through Email” (Completed Spring 2021)
PhD Teaching Internships Advised
Chamelia Moore
“Internship” (Completed Spring 2024)
Alyssa Herman
"Internship Exam" (Completed Spring 2023)
Brittany Larsen
“Where Do I Go from Here? A Course on Locating Oneself in Public Discourse” (Completed Spring 2022)
Charles Woods
“Establishing a Digital Identity-Attentive Cultural Rhetorical Methodology for Teaching Technical Communication” (Completed Spring 2020)
Mathew Schering
“English 145 Internship: Contemplating Contracts” (Completed Spring 2020)
Teigha VanHester
“Finding One’s Unapologetic Self: An Investigation in Rhetorical Invention, Intersectionality and Community in the Composition Classroom” (Completed Spring 2019)
MA/MS Theses Directed
Xan Daggett
“Digital Safe Spaces: Nonbinary Community Building on TikTok” (Defended Spring 2024)
Dorothy Stone
"Anti-Racist Pedagogy with Asian American Rhetorics" (Defended Fall 2022)
Sydney Klem
"Toward a Theory of Procedural Rhetorical Systems - How Players Take up and Subvert the Rhetoric of Video Games” (Defended Fall 2019)
Brittany Larsen
“Gatekeeping Remix: Fandom Spaces and Identity Politics” (Defended Summer 2019)
MS Portfolios Directed
Timothy Wyland
“A User Centered Participatory Framework for Marketing" (Defended Fall 2019)
MA/MS Thesis and Portfolio Committees
Raven Preston
“Community-Based Risk Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A BIWOC Framework” (Thesis, Defended Fall 2023)
Nkeiruka Nwobodo
“The Dynamics of Effective Usability in Technical Writing: A Portfolio in Professional Writing and Rhetoric” (Portfolio, Defended Fall 2020)
Outside Reader
Jayde Rice (East Carolina University)
“Queer Rhetorics of Identity Definition and Strategic Exclusion: A Mixed-Methods Study of Collective and Individual Identity in the Furry Fandom” (PhD dissertation, In Progress)
Emily Gresbrink (University of Minnesota)
"A Humanist Approach to Digital Risk Communication: Investigating Graduate Student Responses to COVID-19 E-Mails" (PhD dissertation, Defended Summer 2024)
United Faculty of Illinois State University (UFISU)
2024 - Present
Member: Negotiations Team, Big Bargaining Group, and Contract Action Team
Social Media Coordinator |
Feb 2018 - Feb 2022
Website manager and content developer, Duque Institute of Martial Arts (Ottawa, IL)
Fall 2021 - Fall 2023
Book Review Editor for Communication Design Quarterly
Spring 2019
Judge for Hugh Burns Dissertation Award
October 2018 – Present
Reviewer for Rhetoric Review
2020, 2023
Invited book reviewer for MIT Press, SUNY Press
2023, 2024
Invited reviewer for conference proposals, Feminisms and Rhetorics
2019, 2020
Invited reviewer for conference proposals, Computers and Writing
2018, 2019, 2020/1, 2023
Invited reviewer for conference proposals, ATTW
Spring 2022 - Fall 2022
Search committee member for Dean of College of Engineering, ISU
Fall 2020 - Spring 2022
Worked with Diane Zosky (CAS Dean) and Cassie Herbert (Assistant Professor, Philosophy) to develop a statement that would support ISU teaching faculty who receive threats of online aggression and harassment, ISU
2015 - 2017
Member, Presidential Commission on the Status of Women, NIU
Spring 2015
Participant in Illinois Regional Eportfolio Partnership (IREP), NIU
August 2021 - May 2022
Department Council, ISU (elected position)
August 2020 - May 2021
Department Faculty Status Committee, ISU (elected position)
August 2019 - May 2020
Graduate Studies Committee, ISU
August 2018 - May 2019
Department Council, ISU (elected position)
August 2017 - May 2018
Professional Growth Committee, ISU
Fall 2017 - Spring 2018
Curriculum and course development for ENG 351, ISU
2013 - 2017
First-Year Composition Committee, NIU
2012 - 2013
Graduate Student Advisor for Sigma Tau Delta, Xi Delta, NIU
2009 - 2010
MA student-faculty liaison, University of Colorado
Fall 2008
Reactivated Sigma Tau Delta, Alpha Iota Sigma, University of Colorado, Fall 2008