Illinois State University
Undergrad & blendedENG 100: Introduction to English Studies (hybrid, undergrad)
Introduction to the field of English Studies, including rhetoric and composition, technical writing, linguistics and TESOL, literature, and publishing studies. Required: All English majors of all sequences
Semester and Enrollment: Fall 2023 (25/25)
GraduateENG 449: History and Theory of Technical and Professional Writing (f2f, grad)
Reading and research in technical/professional communication emphasizing foundations in history, theory, culture, rhetoric, and technology. Requirement option: MA/MS, PhD specialization.
Semester and Enrollment: Fall 2021 (5/12)
ENG 249: Technical Writing I (f2f/online, undergrad)
Introduction to technical and professional writing. Includes study of manuals, reports, proposals, audience analysis, formatting, and style. Required: Technical Writing & Rhetorics, Computer Science, Cybersecurity majors.
Requirement option: Information Systems, Computer Networking majors. Semesters and Enrollments: Summer 2018 (15/16), Summer 2019 (16), Fall 2019 (16, 15), Fall 2020 (16), Summer 2021 (15), Fall 2021 (16, 16), Summer 2022 (16), Summer 2023 (15), Fall 2023 (16)
ENG 451: Topics in Technical Communication | Tech Comm in the Zompoc (f2f and online, grad)
A course on risk/crisis communication that became a crash course in pandemic tactical tech comm. Requirement option: MA/MS, PhD specialization.
Semester and Enrollment: Spring 2020 (4/12)
ENG 283: Rhetorical Theory and Applications (f2f, undergrad)
Critical and analytical examination of the nature and historical development of rhetorical theory and its applications to contemporary discourse. Required: Technical Writing & Rhetorics, English Education majors.
Requirement option: English Studies, Publishing Studies, Literary & Cultural Studies majors. Elective option: Writing minor. Semesters and Enrollments: Fall 2018 (22/25), Fall 2019 (25)
ENG 452: Teaching Technical Writing (f2f, grad)
An overview of technical communication pedagogical theories and practices, with a focus on social justice oriented and inclusive course development and design. Requirement option: MA/MS, PhD specialization. Required for grad instructors to teach ENG 249.
Semester and Enrollment: Spring 2022 (4/12)
ENG 349/459: Technical Writing II (f2f and online, grad/undergrad)
Instruction and practice in editing, proposals, and analytical writing; attention given to style manuals and research writing. Required: Technical Writing & Rhetorics major.
Requirement option: Literary & Cultural Studies major; MA/MS, PhD specialization. Elective option: Writing minors. Semesters and Enrollments: Fall 2017 (16/16, 8), Fall 2018 (16), Fall 2020 (15, 16)
ENG 467: Technology and English Studies | Digital Rhetorics (f2f, grad)
An overview of key theories, methods, practices, and pedagogies that inform and are informed by digital rhetorical studies. Requirement option: MA/MS, PhD specialization.
Semester and Enrollment: Spring 2018 (9/12)
ENG 350/430: Visible Rhetorics (f2f, grad/undergrad)
Critical examination of visual texts (broadly defined) as they are located within various rhetorical, social, and cultural context and critical production of visual texts. Requirement option: English Studies, Publishing Studies, Technical Writing & Rhetorics, Literary & Cultural Studies majors; MA/MS, PhD specialization.
Elective option: Writing minor. Semester and Enrollment: Spring 2019 (15/16)
ENG 497: Research Methods in Rhetoric and Writing Studies (online, grad)
An overview of research methods and methodologies used in rhetoric, writing studies, and technical communication. Requirement option: MA/MS, PhD specialization.
Semester and Enrollment: Spring 2021 (4)
ENG 351: Digital Rhetorics (f2f and online, grad/undergrad)
Study of theory and research in digital rhetorics as a basis for the production of various digital texts. Requirement option: Publishing Studies, Technical Writing & Rhetorics, Literary & Cultural Studies majors; MA/MS, PhD specialization.
Elective option: Writing minor. Semesters and Enrollments: Spring 2018 (16/16), Spring 2019 (11), Spring 2020 (13), Spring 2021 (15), Spring 2022 (13), Spring 2023 (12), Spring 2024 (16)
ENG 590: Seminar in Rhetoric & Composition Studies | Memetic Rhetorics (f2f, grad)
A comprehensive examination of memetic rhetorics with productive and pedagogical components. Required: All English PhD students.
Semester and Enrollment: Fall 2022 (13, 1 over the cap)
Northern Illinois University
ENGL 103: Intro to Rhetoric and Composition
Introduction to writing and revising various genres while following an arc from private to public. ENGL 104/ ENGL 203: Intro to Research Writing in the Domains Writing and revising researched argumentative and analytical essays while applying proper documentation. ENGL 207: Intro to the Basics of English Grammar Introduction to a linguistic approach to learning English grammar. |
ENGL 308: Technical Writing
Writing for professional contexts, covering basic strategies related to audience, document design, genre, and collaboration. ENGL 424: Topics in Tech Writing (Writing for Electronic Media) Study of theory and practice of writing in digital environments. |
University of Colorado
ENGL 2010: Introduction to Literary Theory
Examination of the major literary theory paradigms of the post-World War II era.
Examination of the major literary theory paradigms of the post-World War II era.
The Institute of Reading Development
Programs R - 7, literacy skills for various age levels
5-week summer enrichment programs for children who need help learning to read and adults who want to improve
5-week summer enrichment programs for children who need help learning to read and adults who want to improve
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